May 29, 2011
We are looking for photographers and VIDEOGRAPHERS from around the world who want to contribute photos or VIDEOS to Model Vanity Magazine.
If you enjoy Bikini Contests, Swimwear or High Fashion runway shows, Grid Girls on the Race track, and general summer fun at public venues and night clubs, become a press photographer for Model Vanity Magazine.
You will enjoy press access and behind the scenes VIP treatment as part of our staff photography team. Gain more credibility and contacts in your local area and leverage our expansion to help you gain a clientele of future photo customers, or just do it to have fun.
1) Casual photographers who like to attend events and shoot coverage. You must be a person of professional character who takes press coverage seriously and enjoy working with talent and crowds.
You do not need professional equipment but experienced photographers are preferred. Join us and have a little fun during your free time!
2) Studio photographers who work with talent and wish to display their work. You have strobes, use assistants for help and have a portfolio of work and connected talent.
3) Videographers with work posted on sites like Vimeo or Youtube can have editorial coverage with embedded media added on our pages for added exposure. Your media must relate to our subject matter.
If you are interested in learning more about our photographer opportunities, leave a message below or on our fan page on facebook or search "oscar vanity" on FB and send a message for further details (blank requests may not be added!). If you prefer email, send it to oscar {at}, subject: "Photographer for MV" If you like to contribute and wish to remain anonymous that is fine as well.
Please indicate what type of photography you want to contribute and what part of the world you are from. Si habla Espanol, tambien tenemos un sitio dedicado a Habla-Hispana!
We want to help expand photographer visibility and give credit back to those that participate. We are undergoing BETA testing for a new system to allow more expansion for our photographers to showcase there work!
castings ,
staff photographers
Photographers - Contribute your photos to MV Magazine!
May 29, 2011 by OscarNOW
We are looking for photographers and VIDEOGRAPHERS from around the world who want to contribute photos or VIDEOS to Model Vanity Magazine.
If you enjoy Bikini Contests, Swimwear or High Fashion runway shows, Grid Girls on the Race track, and general summer fun at public venues and night clubs, become a press photographer for Model Vanity Magazine.
You will enjoy press access and behind the scenes VIP treatment as part of our staff photography team. Gain more credibility and contacts in your local area and leverage our expansion to help you gain a clientele of future photo customers, or just do it to have fun.
1) Casual photographers who like to attend events and shoot coverage. You must be a person of professional character who takes press coverage seriously and enjoy working with talent and crowds.
You do not need professional equipment but experienced photographers are preferred. Join us and have a little fun during your free time!
2) Studio photographers who work with talent and wish to display their work. You have strobes, use assistants for help and have a portfolio of work and connected talent.
3) Videographers with work posted on sites like Vimeo or Youtube can have editorial coverage with embedded media added on our pages for added exposure. Your media must relate to our subject matter.
If you are interested in learning more about our photographer opportunities, leave a message below or on our fan page on facebook or search "oscar vanity" on FB and send a message for further details (blank requests may not be added!). If you prefer email, send it to oscar {at}, subject: "Photographer for MV" If you like to contribute and wish to remain anonymous that is fine as well.
Please indicate what type of photography you want to contribute and what part of the world you are from. Si habla Espanol, tambien tenemos un sitio dedicado a Habla-Hispana!
We want to help expand photographer visibility and give credit back to those that participate. We are undergoing BETA testing for a new system to allow more expansion for our photographers to showcase there work!
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11 Responses to “Photographers - Contribute your photos to MV Magazine!”
August 1, 2011 at 8:05 PM
I will get a new camera and join you guys! soon
January 18, 2012 at 8:50 PM
Have Camera, now put me to WorK!
April 4, 2012 at 7:54 PM
I am very interested in joining the network. Check my work at
June 11, 2012 at 7:20 PM
I am very interested in joining the network. Check my work at
August 1, 2012 at 2:09 AM
Hey My name's Nikolai and I'm a photographer from Middle Tennessee, I'm most certainly down to work with you guys if I can. Here's my portfolio and email I hope to hear from you guys.
December 4, 2012 at 11:48 AM
December 4, 2012 at 11:49 AM
~Art through photography since 2001~
Experience with people in various forms of capturing who they are in that moment. Whether the shots are Candid, (Ex: Kids at play. Family interacting/playing in the park or at home. Themed photo sessions.) or Posed & Still Life. I lean more towards the candid, I feel it brings out one's true character when they relax and not worried about how they look versus a posed shot.
December 7, 2012 at 4:30 AM
I've been a photographer for over 34 years photographing both professional sports and Women. Oscar and I have talked since the myspace days and once you wanted to have me come out to teach about 10 years ago. Would love to be your east coast guy for both Studio and event work. My swimsuit calendars are well know around the northeast.
December 7, 2012 at 4:32 AM
My link on Facebook
December 11, 2012 at 1:27 PM
I am a photographer in San Francisco and I would love to be part of the team either in events or studio shoots. My MM profile is here:
February 6, 2013 at 7:51 PM
Hi is Freddy Casillas i like to enjoy MV team I'm Photographer, Videographer, editor from Northridge California, I have some work on You tuve, as freddyphotography.
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