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Aug 25, 2012


So Ca's Natural Beauty Pageant Los Angeles

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So Cal's Natural Beauty Pageant Los Angeles winner and last years queen

A women's empowerment pageant.  Official Health and wellness collaborative partner is Susan G. Komen and the race for the cure.  Celebrity Host is Singer Actress TV and more Porscha Coleman.  Judges David Kang, Queenie Johnson, Jennifer irene Gozalez, and Dunnie-O.  The Pink Foundation,Something good 2 eat, Yuyu's Boutique, Simply Bliss Living, Metal Kettle PR, Changing Shoes, Waiting to Exhale parties, 

Miss Gardena is Ronnieceisha Reid, Miss Studio City Mimi Bloom, Miss Orange Jenn Mendoza, Miss Antioch Kareema Anderson, Miss Pasadena Joanna Mills, Miss Inglewood Zeia King, Miss Costa Mesa Unique Robinson, Miss Riverside Antaniya Leggette, Miss Oxnard Shani Bass, Miss Los Angeles Alita Griffin, Miss inglewood Juacclyn Nikol Carmouche, Miss Palmdale Elizabeth Gardea, Courtney Simmons Miss Colemen, Miss Pink GK Bowes, Miss Project Motivate Teresa Nguyen, Diabolo, and much more

fashion runway portion of event

more high fashion

the red carpet event before the pageant

high fashion and more

Miss Pink

the queens together

the judge Jennifer

the entire group together

last years winner princess

friends and family also supporting the ladies participating

entertainment and more

VIP guests on the red carpet

guests of the event and sponsors


one of the honored guests

PAGEANT Press coverage by model vanity magazine

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