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Oct 26, 2010


Sexy Photo Shoot with Miss Cris at MV Studios

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Seduction is the power to use sexual energy and broadcast it to an audience.  Successful seductive photo shoots are possible when the talent is confident and is ready for the shoot.  Ambience, the right temperature and studio lighting can all have an effect on talent and shoot performance.  Below are test shoot images from a shoot.  Object:  Sexy Seduction with swimwear by MV.
Models are hired to accomplish different marketing objectives for promotions or campaigns.  Many times the role involves seduction.  Feel sexy, confident and work your modeling career as you only career!

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1 Responses to “Sexy Photo Shoot with Miss Cris at MV Studios”

Anonymous said...
February 10, 2011 at 4:09 PM

Esta chica si que esta buenota

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