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Apr 17, 2011


Grand Prix Grid Girls in Bikinis on stage!

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Bikini babes and grid girls, sexy umbrella girls.. all in the same weekend, by the same group of beautiful young ladies.  Yes its race time.  And time to see some really hot bikini girls on stage in Long Beach.

All the girls were crowd favorites but there was only ONE winner, and 2 runner ups.  Either way, fans were winners.  And the celebrity judging also had some beautiful ladies, including Lisa Gleave and Miss Indy all the way from Australia.

How would you select one of these gorgeous girls?  What goes into the judging process?  Not sure, however our favorites like Megan Sanchez and Erika Purtell did not place in the top 3. 

However they are all winners and just finished a grueling weekend shading drivers and running from champagne in the winners circle.  Alot of fun and good times!

Walking the runway and showing a huge crowd a great time makes all these contestants wonderful.  We hope the best for all the 2011 class of Miss Tecate Grand Prix girls.

For those of you who missed it, we'll have MV video up soon

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