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Dec 13, 2010


ACTORS: READY to Get Known NOW? FREE Teleseminar

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Complimentary Teleseminar with Emily Grace
"Get Known NOW!
From Frantic To Focused in 7 Simple Steps"
This unique and powerful Teleclass will help you discover how to take your career into your own hands…to have more auditions, book more work and get KNOWN now!

Episodic season is wrapping up soon.
Did you get as many auditions as you wanted?

Pilot season is just around the corner.
Is your career where you want it to be?
If it isn't, don't let ANOTHER YEAR go by HOPING for your big break to come along!

On this call wil you will learn:
  • The #1 thing you MUST DO to Get Known Now
  • How to go from frantic to focused in 7 simple steps
  • Get out of overwhelm and into results producing action
  • Trim the fat from your To Do list so you aren't wasting time and energy
  • When to say NO to opportunities - and feel good about it!
  • How to go from auditioning to offers, and take your career to a whole new level
  • Live Q&A to get your most burning questions answered immediately
So stop spinning your wheels, and get on the fast track to
have more auditions, book more work and Get Known Now!


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